Complaints Policy


HSEPro is committed to safeguarding the interests of all students. Students are entitled to be treated with fairness and respect in accordance with the HSEPro policies and procedures. HSEPro does not disregard unfair treatment of students by administration, trainer and staff. Students who believe they have been aggrieved by the HSEPro, and such occurrence is not governed by another complaint mechanism, may seek right through the student complaint procedure outlined below. No adverse action will be taken against any individual who files a complaint because of the filing of such complaint.


This Student Complaint Policy and Procedure is available to any HSEPro student who seeks to resolve a legitimate complaint directly affecting that student, and such circumstance is not governed by another complaint mechanism (see Policy Exception). The procedure only applies to complaints that are the result of actions by a HSEPro Staff, or administrator in contravention of the written policies of HSEPro in which the student is enrolled.

Responsible Party

Policy Statement


Policy Elements

If any student believes that his or her rights have been violated or infringed upon, or that HSEPro policies and procedures have not been followed, that student may file a formal complaint with the HSEPro administration in which he/she is enrolled. When a complaint concerns an administrative function of HSEPro, a student may file a formal complaint with the HSEPro Director.

Prior to filing the formal complaint, the student should attempt to remedy the situation via an informal mediation. If the informal mediation is unsuccessful, or if the student is uncomfortable trying an informal resolution, then a formal complaint may be filed.

The complaint must state with particularity on the person(s) involved, the nature of the claim, the date, witnesses (if any), documents (if any), and the situations under which the alleged claim may have been committed.

If the student is not satisfied with the way the HSEPro dealt with the complaint then the student can contact NEBOSH directly at

Limitation Period

Claims under this Student Complaint Policy may only be brought within 60 calendar days of the supposed misconduct.

Policy Exception

This Policy is not applicable to situations that are governed by other policies, for example, race discrimination, and Code of Conduct violations. This Policy may not be used for appealing grades, dismissals, or academic decisions by any HSEPro programs.


Student Complaint Procedure Stages

Stage One: Attempt to resolve the matter through informal resolution.

Direct Discussion
Students wishing to grieve an alleged violation of the HSEPro policies should first attempt to resolve the matter through informal resolution. The student should first contact the person responsible for the matter being grieved (the defendant) and attempt to resolve the complaint informally, within 30 days of any occurrence giving rise to the complaint or the time they could reasonably have learned of such occurrence.

Informal Mediation
At the request of the student or defendant, the Administration shall arrange for a meeting of the parties, attend such meeting(s), and attempt to aid in the resolution of the complaint.

Stage Two: Formal Review

Filing of a Written Complaint: (If the matter is not resolved in Stage One)
If the complaint is not resolved informally within 10 days after the student directly contacted the appropriate person to attempt an informal resolution, the student may obtain review by submitting a written complaint to the HSEPro Director. The letter must be sent within 10 days of the first direct contact that the student had with the defendant. The student’s letter of complaint must include:

• The exact written program policy that allegedly has been violated
• The description of the facts and evidence supporting the supposed violation
• The description of the rights that the grievant seeks

Appointment of an Investigator
The Director shall direct the complaint to the Administrator for Compliance who shall:

  • Review the allegedly violated policy
  • Meet with the complainant
  • Meet with other persons as he/she shall consider appropriate for this purpose of determining the facts and attempting to resolve the complaint
  • Draft reports about their investigation
  • Provide their reports to the Director upon completion of the investigation. The Director shall render a written decision based upon the merits of the matter to the interested parties.

Stage Three: Final review by Director

The Director shall determine within 10 business days, what, if any, remedies are required.
The Director decision as to the suitable remedy shall be in writing and final, and copies shall be sent to the student and the defendant.

Conflicts of Interest

HSEPro ensures that final resolve of each formal complaint will be made by a person not directly involved in the alleged problem. If at any point in the formal complaint process a student, or any other individual, learns that an investigator is directly involved with the complaint at issue, he or she should inform the Director. If a Conflict of Interest exists, the HSEPro will immediately remove that individual from the investigation.

If you have any concerns or complaints, please send us an email at