Exemplar Global Courses

Study from home
Live Vietual Training Actual online discussion of our tutors

Learn and Join Faster

Download HSEPro Learner App
  • Track the status of your training and/or exam requests.
  • View details, download invoice, receipts and supplementary notes of your current training or exam.
  • Submit exam files, trainings receipts, etc.
  • View HSEPro promotions, calendar and courses offered.
  • Take practice exams on NEBOSH courses.
HSEPro Learner app -1

Congratulations to our Passers
NEBOSH IGC, NEBOSH International Diploma,
NEBOSH HSE Process Safety Management, and IOSH Managing Safely

HSEQ Training Courses

Select the Awarding Body you want to take your trainings.
NEBOSH Courses

NEBOSH is an approved UK-recognized awarding body and received Approved Awarding Body Status from Scottish Qualifications Authority  (SQA) Accreditation.

IOSH Courses

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) is a Chartered body and largest membership organisation internationally for safety and health professionals.

EG Courses

Exemplar Global (EG) provides personnel ISO Lead Auditor certification for individuals seeking further professional recognition to support individuals career pathway in auditing.

HSI ASHI Courses

Health and Safety Institute - American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) First Aid programs conform to the latest AHA Guidelines, and other evidence-based national guidelines and standards.

HSEPro Courses

HSEPro short training courses are delivered based on national guidelines and standards, and internationally acceptable good practices. Trainings are delivered through Live Virtual Training and client in-house trainings.

Join us in our trainings

How to enrol a course and join the training

HSEPro trainings are delivered through online in Live VIrtual Training. This is an actual live discussion with our tutors online. Each learners can remotely attend the training and can ask direct questions and can collaborate with the other learners on time. We are using a highly innovative platform to deliver the Live Virtual Training that you can share documents, chat, and asked questions.

Select a course

Follow your career path. Choose the course you want to register.

Contact HSEPro person-in-charge through WhatsApp, Messenger, or chat us here to guide you in the course registration.

Register in HSEPro

You can register through HSEPro Learner mobile app or through the website registration. To sign up click HERE.

Signup/create a HSEPro account and proceed to payment.

Pay the fee

Pay the course fee through online payment using your debit / credit card. 

You can also pay through bank-to-bank or through direct deposit in HSEPro bank account over-the-counter or ATM if you are residing in UAE.

To pay through online, click HERE. Choose the course you want to register and proceed to Cart.

After payment, submit payment receipt through Email/WhatsApp/Messenger and wait for an approval. You will receive a notification that your signup is already approved.

Request training

Sign-in in your HSEPro learner account and click request training button. 

A window pop-up will appear and you can see the course you want to attend. Click the course then add the receipt image by attaching the file or take picture. Then click request training. Read all the informations and accept terms and conditions.

Enjoy the training

Join the training in your HSEPro learner app. You can download the notes, take practice exams, download receipts and invoice.

NOTE: Exam steps will vary in each training course. Visit the course you enrol and check the exam arrangments.

How to take examination on the course I enrolled

Select the Awarding Body to know more in the exam arrangements. Exam set-ups and registrations will vary from each courses. Exam schedules can be subject to change.

NEBOSH Examination Steps

Each unit have different exam registration and schedules.

  1. Check available exam schedules in your HSEPro learner account.
  2. Request exam and wait for approval.
  3. Registration in NEBOSH exam schedule. You will receive a notification registration.
  4. Prepare your exam and attend HSEPro exam review. Read all the NEBOSH examination guidelines.
  5. Take the exam remotely.
IOSH Examination Steps

Each training course have different exam registration and schedules.

  1. Check available exam schedules in your HSEPro learner account.
  2. Request exam and wait for approval.
  3. Prepare your exam.
  4. Take the exam remotely.
EG Examination Steps

Each training course have different exam registration and schedules.

  1. Check available exam schedules in your HSEPro learner account.
  2. Request exam and wait for approval.
  3. Prepare your exam.
  4. Take the exam remotely.
ASHI Quiz Steps

Each training course have different online multiple choise quiz. Quiz is optional, depends on the requirement of the learner or client.

  1. Login in your HSEPro learner account.
  2. Select the ASHI training you attended and click the quiz button.
  3. Take the quiz remotely.
HSEPro Quiz Steps

Each training course have different online multiple choise quiz. Quiz is optional, depends on the requirement of the learner or client.

  1. Login in your HSEPro learner account.
  2. Select the HSEPro training you attended and click the quiz button.
  3. Take the quiz remotely.
Any questions? Communicate to us.

Any questions you encounter, you can easily communicate with us through WhatsApp, Messegner, Viber, website chat, or simply call us.

Phone: +971 58 2827 141 | WhatsApp: +971 52 601 1771 | Email:
Keep in-touch. Follow us in social media.

Liked us in social media, just click the icon  and follow us.

Get an easy access in learning the course.

Download the HSEPro Learner mobile app to easily join the training and have access in all the training documents.

Trainings Conducted

IOSH Managing Safely
ASHI First Aid, CPR and AED

HSEPro Short Courses. Organization In-house Trainings

Forklift Safe Operation
Manlift Safe Operation
Overhead Crane and Mobile Crane Rigging and Slinging Safety
Basic Firefighting
Scaffolding Safe Erection and Dismantling