5-Day Study Plan for Remote Examinations

5-Day Study Plan for Remote Examinations

Easy 2 methods for a 5-day study plan

  1. Prepare
    • Understand and identify the important parts of each chapter/ topic or lecture
  2. Review
    • Familiarize all the important parts

What you need to do

Step 1

Prepare – this involves preparing the study materials. In this process you need to identify and organize your study material properly using a study guide, concept maps, re-writing notes and re-reading each course element.

Identifying, organizing, and consolidating the important topics

  • Make a suitable study guide that you can follow.
  • Make an outline of the course element.
  • Make an organized concept maps or charts that is linked to one another.
  • Develop a flow chart to easily understand and remember steps.
  • Do practice exams and answer essay questions.
  • Prepare study guides.

Step 2

Review – this involves going over what you prepared to test how familiar are you with the topic and identify what you need to work on.

Testing and evaluating what you learned

  • Practice by explaining the exam topic.
  • Answer practice problems without checking the answer keys.
  • Test yourself.
  • Answer all questions that you missed.
  • Do an outline for essay questions and practice writing a full sample essay.
  • Try explaining the whole exam topic during studying.

4-ways to make 5-Day Study Plan

  1. Break the course topic into parts, it could be by module or element depending on which suits you better. Example, you can put the Part 1 for Element 1-2, Part 2 for Element 3-4, Part 3 for Element 5-6 and Part 4 for Element 7-8.
    • Day 1
      • Prepare: Part 1 for 2 hours.
    • Day 2
      • Prepare: Part 2 for 2 hours.
      • Review: Part 1 for 30 minutes
    • Day 3
      • Prepare: Part 3 for 2 hours
      • Review: Part 1 and 2 for 30 minutes
    • Day 4
      • Prepare: Part 4 for 2 hours
      • Review: Part 1, 2, 3 for 30 minutes
    • Day 5
      • Review: Part 1, 2, 3, 4 for 1 hour
      • Test yourself: All Parts for 2 hours
  2. Spend 2 hours or more the next five days.
  3. Study for your exams by combining both the Prepare Method and Review Method.
  4. Decide what works better for you in incorporating both the prepare and review method in your 5-Day Study Plan Chart.